
Keyne Additional Work

The schools platform for communication and home learning is ClassDojo where our daily work is posted. You may, however, use this class page for additional resources and activities.
Useful Resources
https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ - Phonics games. Year 1s please focus on Phase 4 and 5 and Year 2s on Phase 6. 
https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ - A free E-Book library and educational activities.
https://ttrockstars.com/ - Times table practice. Please contact Mr Cornish for your child's individual login.
https://play.numbots.com/ - NumBots is from the creators of TTRockstars but is focused on number bonds and addition and subtraction. Your child's TTRockstars login should work for this.
https://classroomsecrets.co.uk/ - Games, video tutorials and home learning packs for most subjects including SPaG, phonics, English and Maths.
https://www.teachyourmonstertoread.com/  - A game to help children learn to read. This would be more suitable for children not yet on Accelerated Reader.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/z3g4d2p - A great resource which includes video clips, games, and learner guides for pretty much every subject and topic you could think of!
https://www.youtube.com/user/breakthruchris/ - A phonics YouTube channel. Year 1s focus on flash cards and digraphs and trigraphs. Year 2s focus on grammar.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ - The creator of Read Write Inc's YouTube Channel. This includes videos of flashcards to join in with (Set 3 please) and training videos for parents and carers.
https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga - Yoga and mindfulness for kids.
http://www.royalcornwallshow.org/education/farm-and-country-activity-sheets/ - "Front Room Farming" from the Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association.
https://www.newquayzoo.org.uk/education-clubs/wild-at-home - Downloadable resources from Newquay Zoo.
Watch the video "Catch It" on the Literacy Shed. 
Activites - choose whichever you would like to do.
1. Retell the whole story of the video using a storyboard.
2. Write some sentences describing the video using -ly adverbs and expanded noun phrases. E.g. The fluffy, brown meerkats were sleeping soundly in their sandy burrow. The golden sun shone brightly on the vast savanna
3. Write some dialogue for what the meerkats might be saying to each other and to the vulture using speech bubbles. 
4. Draw a meerkat and label its body parts. 
5. Write a list of adjectives, one to describe the meerkats and one to describe the vulture. 
6. Write a diary entry from one of the meerkats about the vulture stealing the fruit and you chasing it. 
7. Write a fact file about meerkats or vultures. 
8. Write a letter to the vulture explaining why you want your fruit back.