


At Ladock, it is our intention that our Maths curriculum ensures that the National Curriculum requirements are not only met, but children receive a broad and rich learning experience. Maths teaching and learning provides children with the opportunity to become number fluent and increase their problem solving and reasoning ability. Through quality first-teaching, children experience learning in a variety of ways, using different resources and approaches including concrete, pictorial and abstract methods.

Our vision is to equip our pupils with key skills, knowledge and vocabulary that will enable them to be successful at all elements of the maths curriculum, through planning the content of lessons and providing children with high-quality lesson resources through the mixed aged White Rose scheme of work.

Children’s success is embedded through providing a challenging curriculum; this curriculum is delivered in a variety of high-quality teaching and learning opportunities. These include daily morning maths activities, daily fluency recall practice through online programmes such as Times Tables Rockstars.

We celebrate success and provide opportunities to showcase talent, both in individual classes and as a whole school through use of displays and Collective Worship assemblies. 


The Maths curriculum at Ladock School is mapped out by the White Rose Maths Hub schemes of work and is assessed through White Rose assessments at the end of each term. Teachers use a variety of resources to enable pupils to be successful including White Rose Hub, Power Maths and Test Base. High quality teaching and learning provides children with the opportunity to become number fluent and increase their problem solving and reasoning ability. 

Because of this, we teach using with a focus on depth rather than breadth, therefore we teach age-appropriate objectives and ensure that they are fully understood and can be consistently applied in varied contexts. More able children are encouraged to challenge themselves through daily challenge extensions. All children are expected to reason and problem solve regardless of perceived maths ability and not as an additional activity in a lesson. Maths is delivered in a way that enables pupils to regularly practice key skills and apply them in a variety of contexts. 


The impact of our Maths offer is measured through our assessments. This includes half termly White Rose assessments and termly data submissions.

We assess and track maths progress using White Rose assessments at the end of each unit. We assess times table knowledge through Times Table Rockstars in Key Stage 2, and number bond/times table knowledge through daily fluency in Reception and Key Stage 1.

The 99 Club
The 99 Club is a mental-oral challenge which aims to raise standards in maths through encouraging pupils to improve their mental calculations when attempting quick-fire multiplication and division problems.

The idea is that with repeated practice, the scheme should result in increased speed and confidence when tackling mental maths problems without relying on written workings and methods.

Pupils begin at the 11 Club and work their way up. 

Please see below for examples of each of the clubs.