
Wraparound Care

Miss Tracy Eldridge

Wrap Around Supervisor

Miss Kiera Sherrocks

Wrap Around Supervisor

Breakfast club and after-school provision
We offer a breakfast club from 8.00 am every morning and after-school care until 5.30pm. Miss Kiera Sherrocks runs our breakfast club where the children can have a range of nutritional breakfast food items and quiet play activities before going out to line up at 8.40.  Miss Kiera Sherrocks also runs our after-school club.  Here the children are able to participate in a range of activities both indoors and out as well as choosing some healthy snacks to sustain them.

After School and Breakfast club booking and payment procedures

Children can be booked into our afterschool and breakfast clubs using their ParentPay account. There will be cut off points for booking a place which will be introduced, midday on the day before the breakfast club sessions and midnight the day before for the after school club sessions. We realise there will be some circumstances when an emergency may arise and the school will support this.

Wraparound prices

Breakfast club session 1—8.00—8.45—£3.50

Breakfast club session 2—8.30—8.45—£2.00

After school club session 1—3.15—4.15—£3.00

After school club session 2—3.15—5.00—£5.00

After school club session 3 - 3.15 - 530 - £6.50