
Our Staff

Leadership and Administration Team
Mrs Sam Jones

CEO The Rainbow Trust

Mr Tom Hobbs

Head of School

Ms Gabrielle Westland


Governing Body
Mr Andrew Nicholson

Chair of LGB (Local Governing Body)

Mrs Rachel Carbis

Safeguarding Governor (Foundation)

Mrs Mary Stevenson


Mr John Parr


School Secretaries
Mrs Hannah Firth

School Secretary

School Secretary on a Monday & Tuesday

Mrs Jane Batchelor

School Secretary

School Secretary on a Wednesday, Thursday & Friday

Parent Support Advisor
Mrs Sara Schofield

Parent Support Advisor

Mrs Carly Denning

EYFS Teacher

Miss Sarah Edwards

EYFS & Year 1/2 p/t teacher

Mrs Lucy Julian

EYFS Teaching Assistant

Mrs Gemma Sluggett

EYFS Teaching Assistant

KS1 Team
Mrs Bethany Vincent

Keyne (KS1) Class Teacher

Miss Caroline Burley

Keyne (KS1) Class Teaching Assisstant

Academic year 24-25 - sabbatical leave

Lower KS2 Team
Mrs Janine Tringham

Ladoca (Lower KS2) Teacher

Mrs Elaine Milling

Teaching Assistant - HLTA covering different classes

Upper KS2 Team
Miss Claire Green

Blaise (Upper Key Stage 2) Teacher

Mrs Laura Chorley

Teaching Assistant

Teaching Assistant in Blaise class

Wrapparound supervisor
Ms Louise Barnett

Wrapparound supervisor

Afterschool and Breakfast club leader