
Vision and Values

Our School Values

Our Christian values are at the heart of everything we do here at Ladock. They were chosen by the whole school community and we all try to live out our values everyday in everything we do. Every value has been linked to two different bible stories and these are regularly explored in collective worship and also during special RE focus days. Our Christian values are:

Trust, Respect, Forgiveness, Compassion, Truth, Perseverance

We have displays throughout the school to help us focus on living by our values and we also have a golden values tree in our main building where we celebrate examples of living out our values.  We give golden leaves to children who have shown our values in action; these are 'posted' in our golden watering can and one is drawn every Friday in collective worship and a prize given. 

Ladock School Vision Day
We held our Vision Day on Tuesday 12th February.  The children worked in mixed age groups to share the learning together.  We explored bible stories and investigated what 'loving, learning, achieving together' means for Ladock School.  Our aim was to create a beautiful display for our reception area so that our whole school family could learn together about our vision.  We are really pleased with the result!  We ended the day with a collective worship in the church and invited our parents to share with us.