


The intent of our PSHE Curriculum at Ladock is to give our children the skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe and to prepare them for life and work in the modern world. Through our PSHE curriculum we intend to build confident, resilient children who are emotionally aware of themselves and others and can make a positive contribution to school and the wider community and later, as adults, to the world.


Alongside our school’s Vision and Values, which are the foundation of everything we do at Ladock, we teach PSHE across our school using the Jigsaw Programme, which also includes ‘Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Educations and Heath Education’. Using Jigsaw ensures a consistent approach to the teaching of PSHE and ensures whole school progression. The curriculum is taught though 6 half-termly Puzzles each year, each Puzzle containing 6 lessons. Each unit is built on every year, broadening children’s learning and going into greater depth. PSHE is taught twice a week for approximately 1 and a half to 2 hours. Concepts are reinforced in Celebration Assemblies, assemblies, the Learning Charter, the school vision and values, whole school events and in relationships throughout the school between children, adults and children and adults.


We can see the impact of our teaching of PSHE through the behaviours and attitudes displayed by our pupils within the school and their relationships with others. Our children will know and value who they are and understand how to relate to others. The teaching of PSHE also impacts on our pupils in that they achieve their academic potential and they also leave our school equipped with the skills and the mindset they will need to flourish as individuals and live a successful life.